Does The Sun Damage Your Hair?
As the clocks go forward and the temperature tentatively rises, summer is finally on the cards. With the summer, comes the sun, and with the sun, comes the commonly asked question - does the sun d...
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How To Repair Bleach Damaged Hair
Only 2% of the world's population can say they have natural blonde hair, so unfortunately for the rest, it’s all about the bleach. The History of Blonde Blonde hair is often seen as a western beau...
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Help! How Can I Repair Heat Damaged Hair?
Fighting off damaged hair seems to be a constant battle filled with hacks, tips and product recommendations along the way to prevent damage from happening, keeping your healthy hair ‘safe’. But wha...
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A Luxurious Multi-Benefit Silk Hair Mask
Why treat yourself to a hair mask 1-2 times a week, when you can get the benefits of masking every single day with the SILKE London Hair Wrap? Our SILKE Hair Wrap, available in 10 different colou...
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Keep Your Hair Hydrated Without The Excess Goop!
WHAT IS GOOP HOARDING? ‘Goop hoarding’ is a thing that exists in the majority of our bathroom cabinets, and we’ve all been especially guilty of it when it comes to hair care. Whether it’s purchas...
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How to Combat Dandruff and a Dry Scalp
Scalp health has become a popular topic on social media over the last few months, with more and more people starting to pay scalp care the attention it deserves. It is crucial to understand that ma...
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Why Do I Have So Many Split Ends?
And is there a way back? Struggling with split ends? We've all been there. If your goal is hair growth and you're not seeing the results you expect, follow our guide to make sure your stands are gr...
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And which one should you be taking to bed? Our founder, Maria Sotiriou, is a London hairstylist with a reputation for being able to tame the most difficult-to-manage hair. With over 37 years’ exper...
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The Overnight Hair Hack Your Curls Are Craving
Did you know that you spend a third of your life in bed? And that most unintentional damage to your hair is done whilst you’re asleep? With over 35 years in the hair industry, our founder, Maria So...
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